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Tout : Wings : Final assembly |
Catégorie: Wings : Final assembly
I begun riveting the bottom skins. Some rivets are quite difficult to reach. I adopted the sequence described in the manual, which albeit very short seems to work. I begin by the rear part on the fusleage side of the wing and work in an fan type pattern toward the front and the tip. The skin must be lifted to reach some rivets towards the rear. Care must be taken not to fold the skin which would be a big problem. This is the fuselage side access, the right hole is too small for my arm which is a problem for some rivets. After almost four hours, the first skin is almost done (some rivets missing on the main spar). I begin installing the second skin and work in the same pattern, but only finish half a bay. This skin is more flexible must also more fragile. Working time on this subpart Today : 5h (Total : 67h) |
Lectures (2514)
Catégorie: Wings : Final assembly
I first got the wings out in the garden and then installed all the nutplates for the wing fairing. There is some drilling, deburring, countersinking and dimplig to perform. Small tasks but very time consuming. I also installed two strings to be able to pull the wirings once the wings are on for good. I then took of the bottom skins and performed the service bulletin on the autopilot servo arm by install the small bracket that will retain the screw should it try to unwind itself. I then removed the left fuel tank, the one with the all position fuel pickup. It seems that the fuel quantity sender's seal might leak when in contact with aviation fuel. I will put some proseal on them to avoid contact with the fuel, but to do this on the left tank it has to be removed. The right side can be done with the tank on the wing. I also tied to find a sequence to rivet the bottom skins as access seems somewhat difficult. Working time on this subpart Today : 6h (Total : 61h) |
Lectures (2549)
Catégorie: Wings : Final assembly
In the next weeks I will have to rivet the bottom skins of the wings. This will be done on sunny days in the garden. But before I have to take the wings out of their sarcophagus. I then write the rivets to be used on the skins to avoid having to read the drawings too often. I also begin to drill for the nutplates used to screw down the wing intersection fairing, but I will have to get the wings out of the cradle to finish that part. Working time on this subpart Today : 2h (Total : 55h) |
Lectures (2477)