Building log

Wings in the jig
Catégorie: Wings : Skeleton

The two assemblies are now clamped to the jig. First I had to make the center support to avoid the 1/2 inch sag of the assembly.

To verify that the par is not sagging anymore, you just put a fishning line through the outermost holes of the spar and verify that the line is in the middle of all the holes.

The the twist of the wing is verified with two plumb bobs tied to the main spar and then measuring the distance between the string and the rear spar. Once the distance is the same inboard and outboard, the rear spar is clamped down.

And here all is clamped down.

Then I verified the assembly was horizontal in all directions. Those electronic tools being very precise are sometimes a real pain, the difference between 0° and 0,1° being sometimes impossible to make out by the naked eye.

And to finish a fit test of the leading edge and the skins, for the time being all seems to fall into position.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 20h)

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