Building log

Deburring..the end
Catégorie: Fuselage : Center part

Today I ended the deburring of the center fuselage parts. I also countersunk the rivet holes for all the nutplates (the countersink is very light as I will be using some small "oops" rivets that have a smaller head).
I also decide against using screws to fasten teh baggage area floor, sticking with pop rivets will avoid installing lots of nutplates. Here are some of the parts that will now have to be dimpled.

I then finished preparing the double flush rivet line on the main bulkhead, this is due to the fact that the main gear support will be installed on the outer part of the bulkhead. The bulkhead gets countersunk using the angle drill and the countersink bit without the cage, going slowly and carefully is the trick here.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 20h)

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