Building log

Catégorie: Fuselage : Forward fuselage

We were thinking today's job would be easy and we would be able to flip the canoe early, but we noticed that the bottom forward skin was wrongly installed.
There is a side plate on the forward bulkhead that should be sandwiched between the bottom skin and the bulkhead, and we had installed the skin between the sideplate and the bulkhead. This could pose a problem when bolting on the landing gear mounts.
So we drilled out a hundred small rivets,which was easy, but also about thirty bigger rivets which was much less. The end result is we managed to reinstall everything and only have two bad looking holes that will get bolts instead of rivets.
Here is one of the rivet line we had to drill out.

Then we finished all the riveting left. To flip the whole assembly we first put the fuselage upside down on smaller sawhorses.

Then Sabine and Antoine came to help flip the canoe. Here are the first pictures, it looks quite big. Before working again on the fuselage, I'll cut some height of the wooden sawhorses to be able to work at more manageable height.
We resisted climbing into the cockpit considering the plastic sawhorses where not that sturdy.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  7h (Total : 80h)

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