Building log

Catégorie: Fuselage : Upper fuselage

Today was riveting day. First I riveted the aft deck,

then the gusset between the longeron and the firewall.

Then I wanted to rivet the parts between the main bulkhead and the seats bulkhead, but I noticed that there would be some interference if I finished the seats bulkhead. As the picture shows, the cleco is not fully set in the hole, and this rivets are to be set after the canopy is finished.

Here a view from inside, the problem holes are barely visible behind the aluminium angle that has to be rivetd now. My solution was to file down the offending part just enough to allow for pop rivets to be set further down the building. It would be impossible to buck or squeeze rivets here.

After having riveted the seats bulkhead, I only have the parts clecoed to the upper longeron left to rivet.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 26h)

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