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Tout : Fuselage

Catégorie: Fuselage

The fuse assembly is done on sturdy sawhorses and I find it will be useful to be able to cut of some height as the work progresses to be able to work at a correct height.
So I fabricated three sawhorses, they are a bit too tall for the time being but it's easier to cut some height than to add it.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 2h)

Lectures (3628)
Catégorie: Fuselage

All the parts for the fuselage are accounted for and in good shape. All the parts are now stored in the workshop, the crates are disassembled and the screws and bolts sorted.
Time to begin bulding again

Lectures (3659)
Catégorie: Fuselage

Today, the fuselage crates were delivered. They are in great shape, and we even had time to inventory the biggest of the crates. I'll finish it tomorrow.

Lectures (3641)
Catégorie: Fuselage

The fuselage has landed in Roissy, it should be delivered on Tuesday 12th. Tomorrow I'll do some cleaning to make room for storing all the parts.
Lectures (3622)
Catégorie: Fuselage

Today I send Van's the fuselage order. Options include a tricycle landing gear, a tip-up canopy, two steps, dual brakes, a parking brake and the electrical trim.
Lectures (3607)