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Tout : Fuselage : Bulkheads
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Catégorie: Fuselage : Bulkheads

Having receivd my longer rivets, a managed to rivet the two reinforcing bars on the main bulkhead. It took longer than expected as the first rivets where botched up, and those long rivets are a pain to drill out.
But the result look quite good as the picture shows, the nes rivet being the one out of alignment.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 40h)

Lectures (2500)
Catégorie: Fuselage : Bulkheads

I finished riveting the forward part of the main bulkhead. Here is a picture with the aft part.

On the aft part I have four more rivets to install, unfortunately those that are with the kit are too short. I'll have some longer ones delivered shortly.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 39h)

Lectures (2545)
Catégorie: Fuselage : Bulkheads

Began riveting the forward part of the main bulkhead, there are still some parts to be installed.
Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 38h)

Lectures (2488)
Catégorie: Fuselage : Bulkheads

Today, I begun assembling the main bulkhead. I first assemble the control column supports and the control column.
I needed too long a time to find out how to arrange the washers to have free play of the controls.
Once all was solved, I couldn't resist putting my wooden grips on the sticks.

Then I decided to apply the latest Service Bulletin from Vans. The right seat stick has to bolted permanently on rather than being left removable. It's only a hole to drill, a bolt, a washer and nut to install.

The I riveted the aft part of the bulkhead, to align everything I use the spar bolts.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 37h)

Lectures (2519)
Catégorie: Fuselage : Bulkheads

One hour to prime the main bulkhead's small parts. I then worked a bit on the control column installation.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 34h)

Lectures (2431)

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