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Tout : Finishing : Wiring
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Catégorie: Finishing : Wiring

At last I had some time to work on the fuseblock wiring. I did some lacing and connected some loose wiring before noticing I had not wired the 12V cigarette lighter plug.

So I run the two needed wires. To insert the wires in the already done harnesses I use a spoonlike tool that is invaluable.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 231h)

Lectures (2468)
Catégorie: Finishing : Wiring

I fabricated a new bracket for the clamp and installed the other clamps around the panel rib lightening hole.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 229h)

Lectures (2511)
Catégorie: Finishing : Wiring

I first installed the shells on the connectors where they were missing. I then could clamp down the harnesses on the subpanel.
The picture shows the two C-clamps and on the left one of the d-sub connexions.

I then finished wiring the intercom and the audio mixer. I also modified the audio output wiring of the GPS, this will allow for easier rewiring depending on the outcome of the investigation on my GPS (answer in a few days).

I will have to modify the support bracket for the clamp that will hold the harness as it routes trough the rib hole, the wires might chaff against the hole edge.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 228h)

Lectures (2425)
Catégorie: Finishing : Wiring

I noticed yesterday that I have a problem with audio output of the GPS. I have no audio on the spaker or on the intercom. I made a few tests and got in contact with Garmin, they send me a replacement part, I'll see next week if it works.
In the meantime I changed the GPS connexion by installing a D-sub connector which will make testing easier and maybe switch to another GPS.

I also laced some of the harnesses, the left side is now almost done.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 224h)

Lectures (2546)
Catégorie: Finishing : Wiring

After some tidying up of the intercom wiring, I install the fuse to get some electrons flowing. I have a green light so all worked well. I test the intercom functions between each side, and it works.

I then switch on the radio and the fuse blows. After some investigation I fond that one of the plug is missing it's insulation washer. I then can test the reception by listening to the traffic at the nearby Lognes airport.
Next I try some transmission, but with no luck. First thing I find is there is a problem with one of the BNC connectors on the cable. I replace it, but I still have no transmission.
Some more investigation show that I have been mislead by one of the wiring diagrams and reversed two wires on the plug I soldered yesterday. After the wire are switched, I successfully test the transmission, the red light illuminates on the intercom panel and I can hear the transmission on a hand held radio.

Today we also completed the 2000th hour building.
Working time on this subpart
Today :  5h (Total : 222h)

Lectures (2642)

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