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Tout : Empennage : Elevator
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Catégorie: Empennage : Elevator

Still working ont the elevator. First, all the parts were primed, then I begun assembling the right elevator. Some difficult to set rivets made this a longer than anticipated task. There remains only one rivet to be set, it's were the clamp is on the picture (the clamp holds tight skins and ribs glued with some epoxy so that they remain bonded during riveting)

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 35h)

Lectures (2932)
Catégorie: Empennage : Elevator

A whole day preparing all the elevator's parts (at least those that are usable), before priming. I run into small problems dimpling one of the holes on the trim tab as it is very close to the bend. We'll see how it goes for the riveting part.
Working time on this subpart
Today :  5h (Total : 31h)

Lectures (2841)
Catégorie: Empennage : Elevator

Today only a small day actually working on the plane, some sidework got very time consuming (especially tidying the shop a bit, unbelievable what you have to move to work properly). I then bent the small tabs on the left elevator, did go quite well.
To finish I just had a look at the trim tab servo, all the drilling remains to be done.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 26h)

Lectures (3033)
Catégorie: Empennage : Elevator

First the good news, Van's is statisfied with my trim tab, just a bit of sanding. Then a repaired the counterweight by melting some lead and filling the holes.
After that it got more difficult, while drilling the new holes in the counterweight I could not align exactly with the rib's flange. I first decided to fabricate new flanges.

Then second problem. I have difficulties with countersinking. It's not the tool, but more my poor technique. In the picture you can see the tool "wandered" and ovalized the hole though I had backed up the thin flange. As this is the secondary spar whers the trim tab will be attached, I ordered a new part and also order the ribs I misdrilled this morning.

To finish the day I worked on the trim tab and drilled the hinge. What needs to be done while waiting for the parts is said in only three words: deburr, dimple and prime. Small sentence but long hours ahead.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  5h (Total : 25h)

Lectures (3010)
Catégorie: Empennage : Elevator

Left elevator assembly, this part supporting the trim tab is a bit more complicated that the right one.
Both elevator are balanced via lead weights. The weights have to be trimmed to fit and to do this I had to assemble and disassemble everything a few time, and just before drilling I managed to assemble one of the weights upside down. Now the holes are out of alignment. We'll see tomorrow what to do out of this.

Upper part is OK, lower part is wrong!!!!
Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 20h)

Lectures (3484)

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