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Tout : Wings : Flaps
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Catégorie: Wings : Flaps

The two flaps are assembled and match drilled. I was careful with the hinge as it sometimes seems to be a problem when final assembling with the wing. Now everything gets unassembled for the usual drill : deburrind, dimpling and priming.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 4h)

Lectures (3207)
Catégorie: Wings : Flaps

Some small parts have to be fabricated for the flaps. On the picture you can see the four shims made from aluminium sheet. The two angles are cut from the stock angle visible in the upper part. Everything then gets sanded to remove the cutting marks. One of the angles is marked for drilling, some more holes will be drilled in assembly.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 1h)

Lectures (3231)

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