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Tout : Empennage : Vertical stab.
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Catégorie: Empennage : Vertical stab.

While waiting for Van's answer about my dimpling problem, I decided not to touch any cutting or drilling tool, but to prepare my first priming session. I got a thorough look at my painting gun, fabricated a small holder and a dedicated painting air hose. Then I sanded all the parts. At the end of the morning I got Alain's visit, he is building a RV-6 for a dozen years now. We spoke about my mishaps : all is normal. At the end of the afternoon (early morning in Oregon), I got Van's answer : clean it up to remove any rough areas, put a normal size rivet in the hole, and patch it with filler before you paint it. Cheap and easy.
Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 9h)
Lectures (2996)
Catégorie: Empennage : Vertical stab.

The stabilizer is quasi ready for priming. Today all the holes got drilled, deburred The skeleton is dimpled and the skin is nearly finished. I was to call it a day when the male dimple die slipped on the next to last hole and created a perfect eight dimple. It should be repairable, waiting on the specialist's advice.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 6h)
Lectures (2990)
Catégorie: Empennage : Vertical stab.

I'm stuck with the hoirizontal stab (see HERE) I have begun to tackle the vertical stab. The skeleton comes together quite rapidly.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 3h)
Lectures (3088)

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