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Tout : Wings : Skins
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Catégorie: Wings : Skins

The noce weather allowed to prime all the skins' interior. After having some difficulties: some droplets due to the paint reservoir not being completely closed all went quite rapidly. The longest part being the cleaning process.
As I had some leftover paint, I decided to try the aerograph bought on Ebay. It works nicely for small touch-ups as there is no paint mist and the thickness of the paint layer is very thin. I did all the main spar countersinks.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 18h)

Lectures (3564)
Catégorie: Wings : Skins

Ending skin preparation for priming : sanding and cleaning. As there will be some rain today, the priming will be done tomorrow.
Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 15h)

Lectures (3539)
Catégorie: Wings : Skins

Today, I finished dimpling the skins. Before dimpling the part where two skins overlap I filed down a triangular section so that the overall thickness of the two skins matches the tank skin thickness. Yous can see that triangular shape on the right of the picture. You can also see the dimples for the platenuts and screws for the inspection panels.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 14h)

Lectures (3638)
Catégorie: Wings : Skins

While Sabine was deburring the skeleton, I began dimpling the skins. As they are quite big, I worked on the workshop floor. For the time being only five skins out of eight are done, and only the holes that have to be done with the C-frame

Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 10h)

Lectures (3623)
Catégorie: Wings : Skins

Well, all the skins except some minor details are now deburred. Next they'll get dimpled.
Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 9h)

Lectures (3424)

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