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Tout : Workshop
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Catégorie: Workshop

First assembly of the new paintbooth, it took a bit of a time today but should be shorter in the future (guessing half an hour maximum).

Lectures (3561)
Catégorie: Workshop

Today, I prepared a painting corner with chicken-wire support, some plastic sheets to protect walls and floor (this surely will have to be modified in the future as the workshop will get more crowded).

Lectures (3962)
Catégorie: Workshop

Today the workshop is finished, electricity is working, the worktables are completed and everything is stowed away.Here is the compressor corner, it is stowed behind a mobile worktable (1,50 x 0,60m).

This is another corner with some shelves and another mobile worktable with the drillpress, the bench grinder, the bandsaw and a vise.

This is the last worktable (fixed) with the tools rack and small parts stowage. On the bench the training kit from Van's, this will be the next task

Lectures (5448)
Catégorie: Workshop

We are finishing the interiors of the workshop : floor is finished, electricity is plugged and worktables are near completion. We still have to put in some shelves, a tools rack and the compressed air system. We should be ready to declare the workshop operationnal during april, and then we'll begin the actual building with the Van's training kit.
Lectures (4334)
Catégorie: Workshop

The workshop is now standing, I just have to finish everything inside : floor, electricity, worktables...

Lectures (3818)

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