Other flights : Positionning for painting
le 01-09-2012 14:00:00 (3288 lectures)

Yesterday I flew the plane to Lezignan to were it will be painted. At first it looked as if the direct fly would not be possible due to the weather, but it was possible with some slight deviation and getting over some cloud layers. This is picyure taken abeam Clermont-Ferrand.

This is a picture of the main EFIS. I fly at 9500ft, indicated airspeed is 129kts, true air speed is 149kts and ground speed 178kts. Total flight time today was 2h01mn for 326 NM.

Once at Lezignan with help from Bruno, a friend living in nearby Perpignan, we removed all the covers and moving parts. Seems we are a few month back.

Some parts that were taken off the plane.

A few ideas about the paint scheme. Final result in 3 weeks.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740