Cross-country : Back in the nest
le 05-10-2012 20:27:01 (2784 lectures)

After some adventures, the plane is back in the hangar at Nangis. First I almost missed my plane to Perpignan due to traffic jams. And then, the only place in France where the weather was not sunny was Lézignan. I waited for the fog to clear up and flew due east for a few miles before beaing able to turn north and reach Nangis after a 2h20mn flight.

This is the city of Clermont-Ferrand.

And to the west of the city the Puy de Dôme summit.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740