Cross-country : We almost saw Mont Saint-Michel
le 02-04-2013 20:10:00 (2661 lectures)

Today we had blue skies and planned to fly to Mont Saint-Michel with a stop at Grandville. First we could not fill the tanks as the pump refused to give out any avgas, we postponed this for our first stop having enough fuel on board.

After 10mn of flight, the oil temperature began acting up before settling at a very low value. All the other parameters were in the green. As we were at the bginning of the trip we diecided to turn back and investigate. I think it's either the probe or the wiring.

At home a search on the net showed the probes were problem prone so I orderd a new one but I'll also check the wiring next time at the hangar.

Anyway, we'll see Mont Saint-Michel another time.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740