Fly-ins : Fly-in Van's Club de France
le 15-06-2013 13:40:00 (2804 lectures)

Saturday was the annual Van's Club de France fly-in. The airfield where it had to be was Vannes (ICAO : LFRV).

We departed from Nangis in the morning with Timothé who is building a RV-7 with his father Benoit. Some light to moderate chops in a 20kts headwind made for a 1h50mn flight.

This is part of the Van's parking area.

Some chats with builders at various stages of building and a great meal made the time seem very short.

After having overflown the Gulf o Morbihan, we heade back to Nangis climbing to FL 75 to take advantage of the tail wind. After 1h35mn we settled down at home base.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740