Cross-country : A few firsts
le 18-07-2013 16:20:00 (2521 lectures)

These last days F-PSGA made a few firsts. We made our first trip abroad heading for Frankfurt Egelsbach a few miles south of Frankfurt-Main international airport. Passing the border and flying in Germany proved to be non events. Arrival at Egelbach was a bit like flying around Paris, ducking under the big airport airspace and following some VFR reporting points to avoid heavily urbanized areas.

Next day, yesterday I had two flights on my program : first my godmother

with the overflight of a small castle south of Darmstadt.

And then it was Petra's turn.

At Egelsbach (EDFE), all operation went without any hassle, fees were quite low (7 euros for a landing and 5 euros for 24h parking). Only fule was expensive, 25% more than in France.

All in all a good and great experience.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740