Cross-country : A not so smooth trip
le 09-09-2013 19:50:00 (2818 lectures)

The purpose of the two days trip was to meet one of my collegues living near the Pérouge-Meximieux airfiled north east of Lyon. After some procrastination due to weather we set course for our firt stopn in the burgundy wine land.

After having dodged and flow through some rain we overfly Clos-Vougeot.

And this is our first stop we had to visit under an umbrella.

The next day the weather improved greatly, so we could fly to our destination.

Pierre got to test the RV before we visited Pérouges and had a great lunch.

We then set course to Nangis, overflying Pérouges.

The weather was fine till around Auxerre but deteriorated therafter the visibility reducinf and the ceilings lowering. Around Sens (10mn before arriving at home) we had to turn around. We got back to Auxerre, refueled ans waited for 1h30mn before being able to gat back to Nangis.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740