Cross-country : Trip to Alsace
le 05-10-2013 18:20:00 (2892 lectures)

We had some time available to make a short trip to our native Alsace (east of France).

Take off from Nangis after lunch, and landing in Mulhouse-Habsheim after 1h20mn and one go-around.

My brother in law Pierre enjoys a short flight over the plain and the Bollenberg wineyard.

Then it's my other brother in law Patrick's turn. He has been taking flying lessons for a few months now.

The Sabine's sister Marie-Andrée makes a short flight. It's during this flight that I had the incident described in the preceding blog entry.

On the flight backe to Nangis we make a small detour via the Haut-Koenigsbourg castle (and it's scaffoldings). We the n track direct home by overflying the Vosges moutain range.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740