Today we made a small flight with Sabine to get the oil warm for the oil change. We visited Seine-et-Marne and took a nice picture of Fontainebleau castle.
We the performed the oil change and as the engine was uncowled, I learned how th measure the compression. Rémy, a RV-8 builder was my teacher. As the engine is quasi new, the compressions are on the mark.
Not many flights the last days as we reached 50 hours and maintenance was due. As the annual is to be performed before december I decided to anticipate it. It's the first big inspection so I had some news tasks, small defects to correct and a lot of panels to remove and reinstall.
Siw month ago was the first flight, I'm nearing 25 hours and it's time for the first maintenance. Mainly change the oil and the oil filter, open all hatches, check that everything works and is not lose.
The only big problem I found was tha tha alternate air door rivets got loose, something to fix before next flight.