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Passengers : Kay
le 28-07-2013 10:50:00 (2825 lectures)

A small flight with Kay young private pilot who took me on a small flight a few days ago. We explored the RV's flight caracterics and logged the engine parameters to fine tune its cooling.

Cross-country : GPS log
le 28-07-2013 10:40:00 (2600 lectures)

This is the GPS log from our flight over Vendée and Brittany.

A clic HERE and you can explore the flight on Google Maps

Cross-country : Back home
le 25-07-2013 14:50:00 (2664 lectures)

A last picture from the river Rance at Dinan before truning back to Nangis.

A national monument, Mont Saint Michel. last night it became an island again due to high tide. This is not visibile on the picture as it is low tide and due to overfly restrictions we cannot get any nearer.

Cross-country : Brittany
le 25-07-2013 14:40:00 (2525 lectures)

Our trip cotinues with the overflight of Brittany's south coast.

This is the tak-off from Belle-île with Donnant beach and Vazen inlet.

As Lorient training area is not active we fly west of Quiberon before entering Lorient airport area from the east. They insist we use the transit procedure, this is the east entry on the river Etel.

This is the city center with the huge submarine bays built by the Germans during second world war.

This is Concarneau where we turn towards the north coast.

And our first stop today where we refill plane and pilots.

We now fly east, and this picture shows Cap Frehel.

For friends a picture of Saint-Briac and Saint-Lunaire beaches.

This is the fortified city of Saint-Malo.

Another fortified city where we'll have our night stop.

Cross-country : Small hops
le 23-07-2013 17:00:00 (2702 lectures)

After a night filled qith thunderstorm we are able to tacke off for three shorts flights.

After take off the city of Les Sables d'Olonne.

Our first stop île d'Yeu.

On the ground at Ile d'Yeu, even if overflight of water is short, we keep our lifewest on.

A very well known bay with a great beach.

And the answer for those who didn't get the answer. We ate a little before the third flight of the day.

West of la Baule, Le Croisic.

Then the Gulf of Morbihan.

And then we fly along Quiberon before the crossing to our final destination Belle-île.

This is the citadel of Palais on Belle-île with nice colors for the sea.

This is the rather short landing runway at Bell-île. The runway seemed even shorter as the flaps did not extend. Note for the future : in case a flap failure the runway must be at least 700m long. On the ground we found the fuse had melted.

At the hotel, Sabine goes for a massage and I explore the surroundings by bicycle.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740