Cross-country : Alsace
le 13-07-2012 08:30:00 (3170 lectures)

This week we fly to our home region, Alsace the most eastern part of France. In 1h20mn we reach Mulhouse-Habsheim overflying area we often cross on the roads.

This is Troyes.

Then Langres.

My mother's home village Burnhaupt-le-Bas.

And Mulhouse.

After the arrival, first flight for my Dad. He was a great helper during building as we riveted the wings and fuselage together.

The next day, despite windy weather I got a few passengers. First Tom, it was his first flight ever.

Then my nice Pauline.

My nephew Benjamin was a bit reluctant, but we got to fly a few minutes.

And another niece, Estelle.

We are now ready to fly back under an overcast.

Some rain as we fly north of Belfort.

We then overfly the Orient Lake near Troyes. The Seine reservoir seems to have been filled up by the recent rains.

The we had to zigzag a bit to avoid a few rainshowers.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740