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Catégorie: Assembly

Before refuelling we finished the mandatory markings on the plane. First under the left wing, then by riveting the small stainless steel plaque that would be used in case of accident.
We also reinstalled the ruuder cables.

After some small works on the engine (safety wiring the quick iol drain and the oil filter and noticing that the eloetronic ignition does not seem to be energized), the plane took it's first fresh air out of the hangar.

We the filled up the left tank qith 79 litres of fuel. We did this with small steps to be able to calibrate the fuel gauges.
It seems there are no big leaks, but let's wait a few days.
We also calibrated the magnetometers, not problem on the left side but it seems there is a wiring problem on the right side.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 91h)

Lectures (3154)
Catégorie: Assembly

Today with Sabine's help and with a hand from some fellow builders we weighted the aircraft.
The picture shows the scales under the main wheels, we then weighed the front wheel while keeping the aircraft level.
The weight is at 1134lbs and the arm is correct, first simulations shows no problems with weight and balance. Painting will have to be carefully however so as not to lose too much payload.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 87h)

Lectures (3269)
Catégorie: Assembly

Today I was not supposed to go to the hangar, but Guillaume needed some place to shoot a video. I began preparing for weighing.
I first redid the small connectors for the rudder pedals.

I then installed the interior, the pieces just have to be near their final place.

I also installed a quick drain for the engine oil, as oil is included in the mepty weight

I also calibrated the oil dipstick by making small marks with a tube cutter, I will mark the later.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 84h)

Lectures (3080)
Catégorie: Assembly

Only two hours today in the hangar to test all the audio wiring.
Some markings on the panel were finished as some other small tasks.
Next time I will install the harness, fill the engine with oil and prepare wheighing the plane.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 80h)

Lectures (3058)
Catégorie: Assembly

Today I begun by installing the propeller. Not very difficult, the bolts have to be torqued and the safety wired.

I then tried to install the aileron boot rings, this is to avoid fresh air entering the cabin via the hole in the fuselage side. I'm not very happy with the end result and will modify the hardware next time it comes off.

I also completed the electrical circuit by installing all the fuses, I still have all the audio to check.
I then checked the controls throw and found the following.
Elevator up 29° for miniumum 25° and maximum 30°, elevator down 24° for 20° mini and 25° max.
For the ailerons, 32° up and 17° down on the allowed max mark.
For the stab trim :18° up and 27° down below max authorized.
For the flaps, 45° down, the max value.
The rudder had been measured during rudder stop fabrication at 30° on each side.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 78h)

Lectures (3207)

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